Introduction guidelines

  • You MUST read the Linktaka Rules before making your first post otherwise you may get permanent warning points or a permanent Ban.

    Our resources on Linktaka Forum are AUTHENTIC and SAFE. This Website also help students for all types of Competitive Exams and studies. Our mission is all the subject information reach to students through Internet. All resources are double checked by our experts. We hope you enjoy our service as much as we enjoy offering them to you "Enjoy your presence on Linktaka".

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Staff member
Oct 1, 2023
LT Coin
When posting a thread in Introduction section please keep in mind that Introduction mean Introduction.

If you wanna be a respected member of this community then do things right and spend some time on your introduction.

Let other members know something about you, your hobbies, your skills. (no one is enforcing you to share private info)

Threads with "Hi" "Hello" "Nice to meet you" and so on that won't follow above guidelines will be considered spam and treated as according to the rules of the board.​
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