Hi Everyone
Welcome to Linktaka Family
This forum's primary purpose is to share stuff to needy people (especially for students) in a convenient way, You can download various kinds of books, Notes, suggestions, Study Material (PDF) and lots more. You can also discuss related issues or solve other's concerns on particular topics.
So, if you have not registered yet, then register now and be the part of the family.
Though there's many websites/forums sharing books, notes, study material, PDF, etc. Linktaka stands out of them for the following reasons:
- Everything free, no subscriptions.
- Almost all resources are AUTHENTIC and SAFE. All resources are double checked by our experts.
- Lots of community members always active in helping each other.
- Categorized sub-forums for different topics.
- Write only in English; thread structure should look good with appropriate picture (if require), description, and other necessary information. Don't make it look like as if a kindergarten kid has written it.
- If you wish to earn by sharing, then you can use only a single layer of ad (short-link generator type of ads), but remember there shouldn't be a second adlayer, and the link should be valid with actual working content behind of it. If you get caught doing over-smartness, your account will be banned permanently.
- Don't share any download links which give limited speed/require premium accounts to download. Recommended upload hosts are Google Drive, Upload.ee, Mega.nz or any other which doesn't restrict download speed.
- While sharing licenses/premium accounts/logins/purchase codes etc., use "... Insert - Spoiler" option, but make sure it doesn't violate any copyright issue.
- Don't behave with any one of the community members/moderator staff in the wrong manner, never take any abusive/insulting words; keep it clean.
- All content you submit, upload, or otherwise make available to the forums may be reviewed by staff members. All Content you submit or upload may be sent to third-party verification services (including, but not limited to, spam prevention services). Do not submit any Content that you consider to be private or confidential.
- You agree not to use the forums to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, religious, abusive, hateful, swear words, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains hacking, any cracks/patches (example: windows/MAC cracks, patches, etc and also includes things like Chrome Extensions.) of operating systems which violates Google copyright policy, pirated, adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws. You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.
- We may remove or modify any Content submitted at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice. Requests for Content to be removed or modified will be undertaken only at our discretion. We may terminate your access to all or any part of the forums at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice.
- Don't ever spam; this forum is no-way a place to promote your blog/website/forum/social media either directly or indirectly. Keep the core contents of your post to this forum only (We may put a temporary ban or permanent ban depending on spamming level). This also includes the content of PMs you send to other members.
- Don't post anything which is/are 100% identical/same with some existing content. So before posting, it's better to SEARCH to see if the content is already available or not. This condition doesn't apply to current expired cookies, accounts, logins, or outdated stuff. 100% duplicate content-based posts will be removed.
- Don't post any links to any 3rd party websites, forums, blogs (warez, cracks/patches, pirated content-based), especially one which requires registration. This rule doesn't apply to the "site review" forum.
- Every forum section may/may not have additional rules; please look in sticky notice content or announcement.
- Keep yourself away from making Duplicate Accounts for taking extra benefits, joining a promotion/giveaway multiple times, self-promotion by increasing reputation meter (likes, positive reviews on own products/threads/services, me-to-me discussion to increase post counts, etc.). If we find any, then the secondary or optional accounts may get banned with a warning alert to the primary account holder. This also applies to GIVEAWAY THREAD OWNERS/HOLDERS They must limit giveaways only to those who have been a member of Linktaka for at least 30 days by using the relevant hide tags to reduce spamming or chances of duplicate account that users makes during such giveaways. Giveaway content should be included in the hide tags. PM's are NOT an acceptable way to distribute giveaway content. In addition (as of April 5th 2021) only those who have been members of Linktaka for at least 30 days may start a giveaway thread.
- Upon violation of rules, a member will be warned first with 5 points; if the member reaches 10 points (2 times), the member's account will be permanently banned. This term (2 times) may not apply to those members who joined the forum very recently (few mins/hours ago, or it's their first post starting with spamming, shits, promotion, any above violation). In such cases, the members may get permanent BAN instantly.
15.Posting/Sharing of affiliate link/referral link will be considered only if the AFF/REF. ID is required to gain the offer/product/service (ex: only affiliate link will give less/discounted price to the buyer than the regular rate, or only that referral link is required to join a website/developer's site/avail service). MEANWHILE, MAKE SURE YOUR ID IS VALUABLE FOR THE REFERRED PERSON & SHOULD ACT DIFFERENTLY THAN A NORMAL PROCESS. POINT TO NOTE THAT AFFILIATE/REFERRAL LINK SHOULDN'T BE USED/INCLUDED WITH ANY AD-SKIP URL SHORTENER. Note that a NON-PAYOUT based link shortener (ex: https://bitly.com/, etc.) can be used to reduce ONLY the link length and NOT for ANOTHER PURPOSE.
To make it simple to understand, your affiliate link should be a part of an affiliate program that belongs to the target service website and not a double or triple redirect from an ads link generator that contain the target service url. Disguised short url that in many cases are harmful for the end user are prohibited. Only real affiliate links that belong to real affiliate program on the target service are permitted.
NOW! To use affiliate links, every member should be eligible with the following "Give back to the community first" conditions (This applies to new threads added since August 12th 2021)
16. Signatures/Profile: If you do not meet the requirements for selling in the marketplace (see marketplace rule 15 below), you may not use your signature to promote services/items you sell on external sites/forums etc (This also applies to the website link section on your profile). If breach of this rule is seen, your signature will be edited by a member of staff. Even if you are eligible, you're not allowed to make the signature promotional TEXT / BANNER size too big . . . It should no way disturb the eye-sight view.