Ultimate Web Designer & Web Developer Course For Free
What you’ll learn
- Build 23+ custom web design & development projects by hand
- Learn more than 18 professional disciplines
- Plan, design and code your very own self-directed website project from scratch to launch!
- Plan, design and code robust and fully custom, responsive websites and applications
- Explore modern web design tools
- Code at an expert level of proficiency with HTML & CSS
- Code websites & applications with HTML5 & CSS3
- Code basic games & animations with CSS3 and jQuery
- Comfortably use Adobe Photoshop for photo manipulation, graphics creation & design
- Use modern tools like Figma, Adobe XD and Photoshop to design and prototype for the web
- Design a professional and modern business card in Adobe Photoshop
- Learn UX and UI design for beginners
- Learn visual design fundamentals for beginners
- Learn how to wireframe and optimize UX for websites and web applications
- Learn how to choose the correct font combinations for your projects
- Create beautiful color schemes based on scientific color theory
- Code a simple “Tip Calculator” in Javascript
- Build a useful “To Do List” web application in jQuery UI
- Learn how to easily set up web hosting & domain names
- Learn how to program simple PHP applications
- Design, build and manage custom database-driven websites with MySQL
- Build a fully functional “Client Address Book” with PHP & MySQL
- Set up a WordPress blog in 5-minutes
- Manage your client’s WordPress websites
- Learn how to get hired as a full-time web designer or web developer
- Learn how to start a profitable and successful freelance business as a web designer or developer
- Learn how to earn a full-time income from any of the disciplines you learn!
- Start a side hustle as a web designer or developer
- Learn how to land your first (or next) web design client
- No prior web design or coding knowledge required!
- Any operating system: Mac, PC, Linux
- No expensive software required
- Web developers & Programmers looking to dramatically improve their design skills
- Graphic & Web Designers who want to improve their web development & coding skills
- Total beginners who want to learn how to plan, design and code amazing websites & applications
- People who want to make a comfortable living online as a web designer or developer
- Professionals who desperately want to leave the 9-to-5 for a fruitful new web design career
- Freelancers who want to deliver higher value to their web design clients
- Designers & developers who want to know how to start a successful freelance business
- Anyone who likes a bit of fun