Who frames upsc question papers?

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Who frames upsc question papers?​

There are various committees formed to design the UPSC question papers. These committees not only come out with the questions but also does market study where they study how the questions are asked in various coaching centres. Also, they try to evaluate the online material to a large extent.

The question papers of various committees are evaluated by the UPSC board and then they chalk out 9–10 question papers and are kept in secret. So, no one knows exactly which questions will come or are being selected, not even the committee members of all committees.

The final paper is randomly selected and printed in house in UPSC, Dholpur house itself.

P.S. : The members of Committee mainly contains the top members of UPSC boards as well as professors from DU, JNU and other institutes of repute from all over India. There are also various members who are coming to various institutions of ministries in Delhi for guest lectures. (I have met 2–3 ). One of them was on my friend’s interview board and he was our ex- director of institute​

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