One Word Substitution
One Word substituting a group of words with a unique word according to its meaning. These type of questions are asked in an exam to test the candidate’s vocabulary. A candidate can prepare for these type of questions by improving his vocabulary by learning new words.Generally, one word substitution covers specific words from the different aspects of Profession, Political, Religious, Medical Terms etc.
Few one word substitutions are given below:-
- One who doesn't believe in the existence of God - Atheist
- The life-history of someone written by himself - Autobiography
- One who does things not to earn money but for pleasure - Amateur
- Without name or identification - Anonymous
- A place where birds are kept - Aviary
- One who believes in destruction of all forms of government - anarchist
- One who is appointed to settle disputes between two parties - Arbitrator
- A Medicine that stops the effect of poison - Antidote
- One who is unable to pay one’s debt - Bankrupt, Insolvent
- An object which breaks easily - Brittle
- One who eats human being’s flesh - Cannibal
- Someone or something existing at the same period as another - Contemporary
- One who believes very easily - Credulous
- A place for burying the dead - Cemetery
- Eating flesh or meat - Carnivorous
- Someone leaving one’s country to settle in another - Emigrant
- A disease spreading over a large area - Epidemic
- Speech without prior preparation - Extempore
- Producing the desired result - Efficacious
- Suitable for selection - Eligible
- One who spends without care and excessively - Extravagant
- One who believes in fate - Fatalist
- Very choosy and hard to please - Fastidious
- Killing of one’s own brother - Fratricide
- An office or post without pay - Honorary
- Killing of man - Homicide
- Done or given without charge or fee - Gratis
- Something that cannot be read - Illegible
- Someone that cannot be defeated - Invincible
- A place that cannot be reached - Inaccessible
- That which cannot be explained - Inexplicable
- That which cannot be corrected - Incorrigible
- That which cannot be done without, absolutely necessary - Indispensable
- That which cannot be erased - Indelible
- That which cannot be avoided - Inevitable
- That which cannot be understood or realized easily - Inscrutable
- That which cannot be changed or ended - Irrevocable
- Not to the point - Irrelevant
- That which never fails or faults - Infallible
- Killing of one’s own mother - Matricide
- One who dies for one’s country or for others - Martyr
- Marrying with one person - Monogamy
- Hater of mankind - Misanthrope
- An attitude measuring everything in terms of money or profit - Materialistic
- One who can be hired to do any illegal act - Mercenary
- A drug causing sleep or intoxication - Narcotic
- No longer in use - Obsolete
- One who speaks skilfully - Orator
- All powerful - Omnipotent
- Present everywhere - Omnipresent
- One who knows everything - Omniscient
- Marrying with more than one - Polygamy
- One who knows many languages - Polyglot
- A single cure for all diseases - Panacea
- Happening after one's death - Posthumous
- One who uses others to survive - Parasite
- Killing of one's own father - Patricide
- A person doing good acts for mankind - Philanthropist
- With the opinion or agreement of all - Unanimous
- Very clear in meaning - Unambiguous
- That which cannot be predicted before - Unforeseen
- Someone with a long experience - Veteran
- Examination of one's thoughts or experience - Introspection
- Killing (out of mercy) someone suffering from an incurable disease - Euthanasia
- Written in a document after it has been signed - Postscript
- Religious song - Hymn
- The policy of extending a country's empire - Imperialism
- Blood relationship - Consanguinity
- Opposed to great or sudden change - Conservative
- Using someone else's ideas as own - Plagiarism
- Someone not sure about God's existence - Agnostic
- One who leaves a religion or faith - Apostate
- One who has no taste for literature, art or music - Philistine
- Deriving pleasure by inflicting pain on others - Sadism
- One having excessive enthusiasm for a cause - Fanatic
- One who loves books - Bibliophile
- One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain - Stoic
- One who poses himself as someone he is not - Imposter
- Code of diplomatic etiquette - Protocol
- That which cannot be understood - Unintelligible
Directions (Q. Nos. 1-40) In each of the following questions, choose the alternative which can be substituted for the given words / sentence.1 A tank where fish or water plants are kept-
(a) Apiary (b) Aviary (c) Nursery (d) Aquarium
2 Yearly celebration of a date or an event-
(a) Birthday (b) Anniversary (c) Jubilee (d) Centenary
3 Custom of having many wives-
(a) Bigamy (b) Monogamy (c) Polygamy (d) Matrimony
4 Customs of having several husbands at the same time-
(a) Polyandry (b) Polyglot (c) Polysexual (d) Polygamy
5 One who knows many languages-
(a) Polygamy (b) Popular (c) Panacea (d) Polyglot
6 A remedy for all diseases-
(a) Recoil (b) Panacea (c) Marvel (d) Treatment
7 An examination of dead body-
(a) Ante-mortem (b) Autopsy (c) Morgue (d) Cremation
8. A supporter of the cause of women-
(a) Feminist (b) Colleague (c) Extempore (d) Womanish
9 A man having no hair on the scalp-
(a) Hoary (b) Naked (c) Gaudy (d) Bald
10 A building where dead bodies are kept-
(a) Aviary (b) Hospital (c) Zoo (d) Mortuary
11 The violation of profaning of sacred things-
(a) Solemn (b) Sinecure (c) Posthumous (d) Sacrilege
12 A place where birds are kept-
(a) Apiary (b) Aviary (c) Nursery (d) Extempore
13 Killings one's brother-
(a) Suicide (b) Fratricide (c) Patricide (d) Matricide
14 One who is not easily pleased by anything-
(a) Maiden (b) Pessimist (c) Vulnerable (d) Fastidious
15 A group of three persons sharing power-
(a) Triology (b) Tetralogy (c) Triumvirate (d) Tripode
16 A person who regards the whole world as his country-
(a) Cosmopolitan (b) Nationalist (c) Patriot (d) Metropolitan
17 Of unknown authorship-
(a) Anonymous (b) Unanimous (c) Amiguous (d) Extempore
18 A person who rules without consulting the opinion of others-
(a) Democrat (b) Autocrat (c) Bureaucrat (d) Fanatic
19 One who is well versed in the science of female ailments-
(a) Cardiologist (b) Surgeon (c) Gynecologist (d) Sergeant
20 One who eats everything-
(a) Omnipotent (b) Insolvent (c) Irresistible (d) Omnivorous
21 An elderly unmarried woman-
(a) Spinster (b) Vandal (c) Bachelor (d) Adult
22 A man who wastes his money on luxury-
(a) Extempore (b) Extravagant (c) Nymph (d) Surge
23 To induce to have sexual intercourse-
(a) Incite (b) Seduce (c) Lax (d) Entice
24 Incapable of being seen through-
(a) Invisible (b) Obsolete (c) Opaque (d) Transparent
25 One who sacrifices his life for a cause-
(a) Patriot (b) Martyr (c) Soldier (d) Revolutionary
26 A person coming to a foreign land to settle-
(a) Immigrant (b) Visitor (c) Tourist (d) Emigrant
27 Murder of a king-
(a) Homicide (b) Matricide (c) Patricide (d) Regicide
28 An associate in a office or institution-
(a) Companion (b) Ally (c) Colleague (d) Accomplice
29 An official numbering of the population-
(a) Censor (b) Counting (c)Census (d) Demography
30 A name assumed by a writer or a false name-
(a) Lie (b) Portable (c) Anonymous (d) Pseudonym
31 One who believes in fate-
(a) Atheist (b) Philanthropist (c) Fatalist (d) Amateur
32 List of headings of the business to be transacted at a meeting-
(a) Schedule (b) Agenda (c) Proceedings (d) Excerpts
33 A government run by a dictator-
(a) Democracy (b) Autocracy (c) Oligarchy (d) Theocracy
34 An office or post with no work but high pay-
(a) Honorary (b) Sinecure (c) Gratis (d) Ex-officio
35 Person who believes that God is everything and everything is God-
(a) Agnostic (b) Theist (c) Pantheist (d) Pantechnicon
36 Relationship by blood or birth-
(a) Parentage (b) Affiliation (c) Consanguinity (d) Nepotism
37 Walking in sleep-
(a) Somniloquism (b) Somnambulism (c) Obsession (d) Hallucination
38 A person who kills somebody especially for political reason-
(a) Criminal (b) Murderer (c) Assassin (d) Hangman
39 Study of mankind-
(a) Pathology (b) Physiology (c) Philology (d) Anthropology
40 Through which light cannot pass-
(a) Dull (b) Dark (c) Obscure (d) Opaque
1 (d) | 2 (b) | 3 (c) | 4 (a) | 5 (d) | 6 (b) | 7 (b) | 8 (a) | 9 (d) | 10 (d) |
11 (d) | 12 (b) | 13 (b) | 14 (d) | 15 (c) | 16 (a) | 17 (a) | 18 (b) | 19 (c) | 20 (d) |
21 (a) | 22 (b) | 23 (b) | 24 (c) | 25 (b) | 26 (a) | 27 (d) | 28 (c) | 29 (c) | 30 (d) |
31 (c) | 32 (b) | 33 (b) | 34 (b) | 35 (c) | 36 (c) | 37 (b) | 38 (c) | 39 (d) | 40 (d) |
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One Word Substitution for Competitive Exams PDF
Here you can get 100+ one word substitution list PDF. One word substitution for competitive exams can be found in dictionaries. You can search through the synonyms that mostly represent the One Word Substitution. They can be searched alphabetically in a dictionary.One Word Substitution: FAQs
Q1. What is one word substitution?
Ans. One word substitutions make sentences more precise and reduce complexity.
Q2. How do you master one word substitution?
Ans. The best way to learn the concept of One Word Substitution is to learn by framing sentences or visualising the words through an interesting story, reading newspaper, magazines, Play English word games like crossword puzzles etc.
Q3. Is one word substitution important for a competitive exam?
Ans. Yes, one word substitution is an important topic for competitive exams SBI PO, UPSC, CAPF, CDS, RRB, SSC, AFCAT,SSC CGL, MTS, SSC GD etc.
Q4. What is one word substitution for killing a human being?
Ans. Homicide: Killing of a human being.
Q5. What is one word substitution for one who does not believe in God?
Ans. Atheist- One who does not believe in the existence of god.
Q6. What is one word substitution for one who has fear from books?
Ans. Bibliophobia is fear of books.
Q7. What is the importance of one word substitution?
Ans. One word substitution is used to communicate easily and effortlessly. One word substitution is also used because it saves time while reading and space while writing.
Q8. What will be a one-word substitution for mapping the world?
Ans. For mapping the world the one word substitution is geography.
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